두경부암, 안면마비 재건, 갑상선암, 경부종물/종양, 음성질환
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두경부암, 안면마비 재건, 갑상선암, 경부종물/종양, 음성질환
월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 | |
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인제대학교 일산백병원 조교수
현) 인제대학교 일산백병원 부교수
대한이비인후과학회 정회원
대한두경부외과학회 정회원
대한두경부종양학회 정회원
대한갑상선학회 정회원
대한기관식도과학회 정회원
대한두경부외과학회 진료지침위원회 간사
대한두경부종양학회 진료지침위원회 간사
대한기관식도과학회 진료지침위원회 간사
Best Poster Presentation Award, 제 2회 아시아종양학화국제 학술대회 및 제 48차 대한암학회 학술대회
현) 인제대학교 일산백병원 이비인후과 과장
현) 인제대학교 일산백병원 임상연구지원센터장
1. Chung MK, Jeong HS, Ahn KM, et al. Pulmonary recovery after rigid bronchoscopic retrieval of airway foreign body. The Laryngoscope 2007; 117(2): 303-7.
2. Baek C-H, Chung MK, Son Y-I, et al. Tumor volume assessment by 18F-FDG PET/CT in patients with oral cavity cancer with dental artifacts on CT or MR images. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2008; 49(9): 1422-8.
3. Chung I-S, Son Y-I, Ko YJ, Baek C-H, Cho JK, Jeong H-S. Peritumor injections of purified tumstatin delay tumor growth and lymphatic metastasis in an orthotopic oral squamous cell carcinoma model. Oral oncology 2008; 44(12): 1118-26.
4. Kang JG, Kim JK, Jeong H-S, et al. A prospective, randomized comparison of the effects of inhaled sevoflurane anesthesia and propofol/remifentanil intravenous anesthesia on salivary excretion during laryngeal microsurgery. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2008; 106(6): 1723-7.
5. Baek C-H, Chung MK, Jeong H-S, et al. Questionnaire evaluation of sequelae over 5 years after parotidectomy for benign diseases. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 2009; 62(5): 633-8.
6. Chung MK, Son Y-I, Cho JK, et al. Therapeutic options in patients with early T stage and advanced N stage of tonsillar squamous cell carcinomas. Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery 2010; 143(6): 808-14.
7. Jung KH, Cho Y-S, Cho JK, et al. Clinical assessment of music perception in Korean cochlear implant listeners. Acta oto-laryngologica 2010; 130(6): 716-23.
8. Choi H-R, Cho JK, Lee S, Yoo BH, Yon JH, Kim K-M. The effect of remifentanil versus N2O on postoperative pain and emergence agitation after pediatric tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy. Korean journal of anesthesiology 2011; 61(2): 148.
9. Kim J-S, Cho JK, Jeong H-S, Son Y-I, Baek C-H. Immediate Facial Reanimation Surgery Following Tumor Resection after Iatrogenic Complete Facial Nerve Palsy. Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology 2013; 29(2): 87-92.
10. Ryu G, Cho JK, Jeong H-S, Son Y-I, Baek C-H. Variable Applications of Facial Artery Musculomucosal Flap for Oral Cavity Reconstruction. Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology 2013; 29(2): 41-7.
11. Cho JK, Woo SH, Park J, Kim MJ, Jeong HS. Primary squamous cell carcinomas in the thyroid gland: an individual participant data meta?analysis. Cancer medicine 2014; 3(5): 1396-403.
12. Choi N, Cho JK, Baek C-H, Ko Y-H, Jeong H-S. Spontaneous regression of metastatic cancer cells in the lymph node: a case report. BMC research notes 2014; 7(1): 293.
13. Ryu G, Cho JK, Jeong HS. Diagnostic Accuracy for Malignancy in Open Surgical Biopsy of Neck Lymph Nodes. Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2014; 57(12): 841-6.
14. Cho J-K, Cha W, Sung M-W. Intramuscular hemangioma in the anterior scalene muscle diagnosed by core needle biopsy. Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology 2015; 8(3): 298.
15. Cho J-K, Hyun SH, Choi N, et al. Significance of lymph node metastasis in cancer dissemination of head and neck cancer. Translational oncology 2015; 8(2): 119-25.
16. Cho J-K, Lee G-J, Yi K-I, et al. Development and external validation of nomograms predictive of response to radiation therapy and overall survival in nasopharyngeal cancer patients. European journal of cancer 2015; 51(10): 1303-11.
17. Choi N, Cho J-K, Jang JY, Cho JK, Cho YS, Baek C-H. Scapular tip free flap for head and neck reconstruction. Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology 2015; 8(4): 422.
18. Chung MK, Lee GJ, Choi N, Cho J-K, Jeong H-S, Baek C-H. Comparative study of sentinel lymph node biopsy in clinically N0 oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma: Long-term oncologic outcomes between validation and application phases. Oral oncology 2015; 51(10): 914-20.
19. Cha W, Cho I, Jang JY, Cho JK, Wang SG, Park JH. Supramaximal neurostimulation with laryngeal palpation to predict postoperative vocal fold mobility. The Laryngoscope 2016; 126(12): 2863-8.
20. Cha W, Ro JH, Wang SG, et al. Development of a device for real?time light?guided vocal fold injection: A preliminary report. The Laryngoscope 2016; 126(4): 936-40.
21. Cha W, Yoon BW, Jang JY, et al. Office?based biopsies for laryngeal lesions: Analysis of consecutive 581 cases. The Laryngoscope 2016; 126(11): 2513-9.
22. Cho JK, Hyun SH, Choi JY, et al. Prognostic significance of clinical and 18F?FDG PET/CT parameters for post?distant metastasis survival in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients. Journal of surgical oncology 2016; 114(7): 888-94.
23. Cho J-K, Lim B-W, Kim E-H, et al. Low-grade salivary gland cancers: treatment outcomes, extent of surgery and indications for postoperative adjuvant radiation therapy. Annals of surgical oncology 2016; 23(13): 4368-75.
24. Choi SY, Cho J-K, Moon JH, Son Y-I. Metastatic lymph node ratio of central neck compartment has predictive values for locoregional recurrence in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma. Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology 2016; 9(1): 75.
25. Ryu NG, Lim BW, Cho JK, Kim J. Quality of life differences in patients with right-versus left-sided facial paralysis: universal preference of right-sided human face recognition. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 2016; 69(9): e197-e203.
26. Wang S-G, Park H-J, Cho JK, et al. The first application of the two-dimensional scanning videokymography in excised canine larynx model. Journal of Voice 2016; 30(1): 1-4.
27. Choi N, Cho J-K, Lee EK, Won SJ, Kim BY, Baek C-H. Transoral bisected resection for T1-2 oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma to secure adequate deep margin. Oral oncology 2017; 73: 70-6.
28. Kim HD, Cho J-K, Kim J-W, So YK. A Case of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma with Subclinical Lateral Lymph Node Metastasis Presenting as Recurrence. Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2017; 61(6): 312-6.
29. of Thyroid-Head KS, Force NSGT, Ahn S-H, et al. Guidelines for the surgical management of laryngeal cancer: Korean Society of Thyroid-Head and Neck Surgery. Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology 2017; 10(1): 1.
30. Cho J-K, Kim MW, Choi IS, et al. Optimal cutoff of pretreatment neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in head and neck cancer patients: a meta-analysis and validation study. BMC cancer 2018; 18(1): 969.
31. Cho J-K, Lee GJ, Kim H-D, et al. Differential impact of circulating tumor cells on disease recurrence and survivals in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas: An updated meta-analysis. PloS one 2018; 13(9): e0203758.
32. of Thyroid-Head KS, Force NSGT, Joo Y-H, et al. Guidelines for the Surgical Management of Oral Cancer: Korean Society of Thyroid-Head and Neck Surgery. Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology 2019; 12(2): 107.