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발, 발목질환, 발목관절염, 발변형, 당뇨발, 스포츠 외상 골절


월, 화, 수, 목, 금, 토

원광대학교 의과대학 졸업

동국대학교 대학원 의학석사

인제대학교 대학원 의학박사


인제대학교 서울백병원 족부족관절 부교수

인제대학교 서울백병원 AI-빅데이터 센터장

Royal National Orthopedic Hospital 단기연수

Paris University 6 pierre & marie curie 단기연수

(전)두발로 정형외과 의무원장

(전)인제대학교 서울백병원 서울족부센터 전임의, 조교수

(전)인제대학교 서울백병원 홍보실장, 수련부장

(전)원광대학교 병원 정형외과 족부족관절 임상교수


대한정형외과학회 정회원

대한족부족관절학회 정회원, 정보전산위원, 국제위원

대한족부족관절학회지 심사위원

대한스포츠의학회 평생회원

대한정형외과스포츠학회 정회원 , 보험심사위원

대한관절경학회 정회원

미국족부족관절학회(AOFAS) International member

미국정형외과학회(AAOS) International member


2015년 제59차 대한정형외과학회 학술장려상

2017년 제61차 대한정형외과학회 학술 본상

2018 Albert Nelson award

2019년 대한족부족관절 학회 우수논문상


JBM - Association between Bone Mineral Density and Fracture Characteristics in the 5th Metatarsal Bone Base Fracture in Elderly for Prediction of Osteoporotic Fracture (2021)

Medicine - Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma around posterior tibialis tendon in an elderly patient with flatfoot: A case report (2021)

Foot Ankle Int - Joint Preservation Surgery for Varus Ankle Arthritis with Large Talar Tilt (2021)

OTSR - Fixation of isolated Lisfranc ligament injury with the TightRope™: A technical report (2021)

JFAS - A Novel Prediction Model for Determining Coronal Length of Calcaneus Using CT: A Guide for Surgery of Calcaneal Fracture (2021)

Healthcare - The Usefulness of the QR Code in Orthotic Applications after Orthopedic Surgery (2021)

BioMed Res Int. Changes in Coronal Alignment of the Knee Joint after Supramalleolar Osteotomy (2021)

IJERPH - Adult Stature Estimation from Radiographic Metatarsal Length in a Contemporary Korean Population (2021)

IJERPH - Surgical Treatment Using Sinus Tarsi Approach with Anterolateral Fragment Open-Door Technique in Sanders Type 3 and 4 Displaced Intraarticular Calcaneal Fracture (2021)

IJERPH - Diurnal Temperature Ranges in Relation to Lower Limb Amputation Rate of Diabetic Foot in South Korea: A Population Based Nationwide Study (2021)

JCM - Three-Dimensional Anatomically Pre-Contoured Locking Plate for Isolated Weber B Type Fracture (2021)

Foot and Ankle Int - Suture Button vs Conventional Screw Fixation for isolated lisfranc ligament injuries (2021)

Medicina: Lithuania - Efficacy of Lesion Specific Portals in Endoscopic Treatment of Calcaneal Bone Cyst: A Case Report and Literature Review (2021)

IJERPH - Invasive, Simple, Rapid, and Effective Surgical Technique for the Treatment of Ingrown Toenails: A Reminder of the Original Winograd Procedure (2021)

Diagnostics - Comparing Absorbable and Nonabsorbable Suture Materials for Repair of Achilles Tendon Rupture: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Study (2020)

KFAS - 일교차가 당뇨병성 창상의 치유에 미치는 영향: 동물 실험 연구 (2020)

JBM - Bone Mineral Density in Diabetes Mellitus Foot Patients for Prediction of Diabetic Neuropathic Osteoarthropathic Fracture (2020)

BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS - Tarsal tunnel syndrome secondary to osteochondroma of the calcaneus: a case report (2020)

Medicine - Atypical musculoskeletal manifestations on flexor hallucis longus tendon of gout causing tarsal tunnel syndrome in diabetic patients A case report (2019)

KFAS - 아킬레스건 파열 이후에 발생한 종골 결절의 견열골절: 증례 보고 (2019)

Medicine - Open ligamentous complex disruption of the lateral ankle without dislocation or fracture Two case reports (2019)

KFAS - 당뇨병 합병증으로 인한 하지 절단율의 지역적 변이 및 지역 특성 요인과의 관계 분석 (2019)

Injury - Relationship between fracture morphology of lateral malleolus and syndesmotic stability after supination-external rotation type ankle fractures (2019)

JCM - Diagnostic Accuracy of Radiologic Methods for Ankle Syndesmosis Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2019)

JCM - Trends in Lower Limb Amputation in Patients with Diabetic Foot Based on Vascular Intervention of Peripheral Arterial Disease in Korea: a Population-based Nationwide Study (2019)

KFAS - 훈련병에게 처음 발생한 내향성발톱에서 부분 발톱 절제술의 단기 추시 결과: 기질 절제술이 꼭 필요한가? (2019)

OTSR - Three-Dimensional computed tomography tunnel assessment of allograft anatomic reconstruction in chronic ankle instability: 33 cases (2019)

Foot and ankle Clincs - Comparison of Three-Dimensional Displacement Among Different Metatarsal Osteotomies (2018)

Medicine - Osteochondroma of ventral scapula associated with chest pain due to rib cage compression: A case report (2018)

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - Morphological characteristics of the posterior malleolar fragment according to ankle fracture patterns: a computed tomography-based study (2018)

Medicine - Osteochondroma of ventral scapula associated with chest pain due to rib cage compression: A case report (2018)

Foot and Ankle Clinics - Comparison of Three-Dimensional Displacement Among Different Metatarsal Osteotomies (2018)

EFFORT open review - Peri-talar re-alignment osteotomy for joint

preservation in asymmetrical ankle osteoarthritis (2017)

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery(AM) - Change in Talar Translation Along the Coronal Plane After Mobile-Bearing Total Ankle Replacement and Its Association with Lower-Limb and Hindfoot Alignmen (2017)

Skeletal Radiology - Weight-bearing computed tomography findings in varus ankle osteoarthritis: abnormal internal rotation of the talus in the axial plane (2017)

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery(AM) - Arthroscopic Lateral Collateral Ligament Repair. (2016)

Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc - Arthroscopic proximal versus open subpectoral biceps tenodesis with arthroscopic repair of small- or medium-sized rotator cuff tears (2015)

Journal of Shoulder and elbow Surgery - Coronal plane radiographic uation of the single TightRope technique in the treatment of acute acromioclavicular joint injury (2015)

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery(AM) - A Cohort Study of Patients Undergoing Distal Tibial Osteotomy without Fibular Osteotomy for Medial Ankle Arthritis with Mortise Widening (2015)

JBJS essential - Distal Tibial Osteotomy without Fibular Osteotomy for Medial Ankle Arthritis with Mortise Widening (2015)

Orthopedics - Arthroscopically assisted surgery for coronoid fractures (2015)

BJJ[Formerly known as JBJS(BR)] - Failure to restore sagittal tibiotalar alignment in total ankle arthroplasty Its relationship to the axis of the tibia and the positioning of the talar component (2015)

Orthopedics - Spring Ligament Reconstruction Using the Autogenous Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon (2014)

Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery - Is antegrade transmalleolar drilling method for osteochondral lesion of talus necessary?: Iatrogenic cystic formation at tibia report of five cases (2016)

대한스포츠외과학회 - Proprioceptive and Knee Joint Kinematics for Comparison of Remnant Preserved versus Non-remnant Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using Achilles Allograft (2012)

대한수부외과학회 - Multiple Flexor Tendon Injuries after Volar Plate Fixation for Distal Radius Fracture (2012)

대한골다공증학회 - rediction of Bone Cement Leakage in Patients Receiving Vertebroplasty (2012)

대한척추외과학회 - Clinical Effect of The Lumbar Facet Joint (2011)

대한고관절학회 - Suture Button vs Conventional Screw Fixation for isolated lisfranc ligament injuries (2010)