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가정의학, 건강검진, 성인예방접종


월, 화, 수, 목, 금, 토

전남대학교 의과대학 졸업

가톨릭대학교 보건대학원 졸업

가톨릭대학교대학원 보건학과 박사과정 수료


인제대학교 서울백병원 가정의학과 교수

인제대학교 서울백병원 건강증진센터 소장

인제대학교 서울백병원 진료협력센터장

현) 인제대학교 국제보건연구소 책임연구원
현) 인제대학교 부산백병원 가정의학과 교수

대한비만학회 평생회원

현) Korean Journal of Family Medicine 부편집인



1. 대한비만학회 우수논문구연상(2008.11.23.)

2. 대한가정의학회 학술상(2009.11.7)

3. 보건복지부장관 표창(2019.3.27.)

<블로그 운영>

시 읽는 의사(https://m.blog.naver.com/jacobel)

<유튜브 채널 운영>



<일반도서 저술>

1. 사기꾼과 보화

2. 낙서(樂書), 어느 비관주의적 낙관론자의 세상 사는 이야기

3. 낙서(樂書) 2, 날라리 신자의 성경 읽기

4. 아내가 암에 걸렸다

<학술도서 저술(번역)>

1. 실전비만학 - 성인&소아, 제2판(공동역자)

2. 가정의학, 개정5판(공동저자)

<주요 발표 논문>

1. The relationship between body fat mass and erectile dysfunction in Korean men: Hallym Aging Study. Int J Impot Res 2009;21(3):179-86.

2. The estimation of cardiovascular risk factors by body mass index and body fat percentage in Korean male adults. Metabolism 2009;58(6):765-71.

3. The relationship between low maternal education level and children's overweight in the Korean society. Obes Res Clin Pract 2009;3(3):133-40.

4. Socioeconomic costs of overweight and obesity in Korean adults. J Korean Med Sci 2011;26(12):1533-40.

5. Related factors of insulin resistance in Korean children: adiposity and maternal insulin resistance. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2011;8(12):4596-607.

6. Effect of green mate in overweight volunteers: a randomized placebo-controlled human study. J Funct Foods 2012;4(1):287-93.

7. Obesity and screening compliance for breast and cervical cancer in Korean women. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2012;13(7):3271-4.

8. Comparability and utility of body composition measurement vs. anthropometric measurement for assessing obesity related health risks in Korean men. Int J Clin Pract 2013;67(1):73-80.

9. Dietary sodium intake and prence of overweight in adults. Metabolism 2013;62(5):703-8.

10. New diagnostic criteria for obesity and overweight in Korean children and adolescents using 2007 Korean National Growth Charts. Obes Res Clin Pract 2013;7(3):e182-9.

11. Usefulness of the waist circumference-to-height ratio in screening for obesity and metabolic syndrome among Korean children and adolescents: korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2010-2014. Nutrients 2017;9(3):256.

12. Effect of a herbal extract powder (YY-312) from Imperata cylindrica Beauvois, Citrus unshiu Markovich, and Evodia officinalis Dode on body fat mass in overweight adults: A 12-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinical trial. BMC Complement Altern Med 2017;17(1):375.

13. Animal and plant protein intake and body mass index and waist circumference in a Korean elderly population. Nutrients 2018;10(5):577.

14. Different associations of socioeconomic status on protein intake in the Korean elderly population: a cross-sectional analysis of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Nutrients 2020;12(1):10.

15. Efficacy and safety of combined extracts of Cornus officinalis and Ribes fasciculatum for body fat reduction in overweight women. J Clin Med 2020;9(11):3629.

16. Efficacy and tolerability of cyproheptadine in poor appetite: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Clin Ther 2021;43(10):1757-67.