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Ki Hoon Kim

Trauma Center


Pediatric surgery, Hernia, Trauma, Critical care, Laparoscopy

Treatment hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

The Korean Medical Association

Korean Surgical Society

Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine

The Korean Society of Traumatology

Korean Society of Acute Care Surgery

Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons

The Korean Hernia Society

The Korean Nutrition Society

Korean Association of HBP Surgery

The Korean Society of Endoscopic & laparoscopic Surgeon

KTAT(Korean Trauma Assessment and Treatment) instructor

Korean Surgical Skill Study Group tutor

The Korean Society of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition


The Korean Medical Association

Korean Surgical Society

Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine

The Korean Society of Traumatology

Korean Society of Acute Care Surgery

Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons

The Korean Hernia Society

The Korean Nutrition Society

Korean Association of HBP Surgery

The Korean Society of Endoscopic & laparoscopic Surgeon

KTAT(Korean Trauma Assessment and Treatment) instructor

Korean Surgical Skill Study Group tutor

The Korean Society of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition

Main Activities

Pediatric surgery, Hernia, acute surgery, critical care medicine


1.Current status of initial antibiotic therapy and analysis of infections in patients with solitary abdominal trauma: a multicenter trial in Korea. Gil Jae Lee, Kyu-Hyouck Kyoung, Ki Hoon Kim, et al. Ann Surg Treat Res. 2021;100(2):119-125

2.Long-term Outcomes of gastric cancer in a small institute: a single surgeon experience. Ji Yoon Jeong, Kwang Hee Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, et al. Indian Journal of surgery. Published online 24, November 2020

3.Is hospital admission unnecessary after successful reduction in paediatric patients with intussusception? YJ Lim, KH Kim. Hong Kong Journal of Paediatric 2020;25:211-6(correspondence)

4.An unusual presentation of superior mesenteric arterial occlusion misdiagnosed as a psychiatric disorder in an elderly woman. Bong Ju Lee, Ki Hoon Kim. Rawal Medical Journal 2020;45(3):735-6(correspondence)

5.Clinical analysis of trauma characteristics among preschool-aged children. Dohoe Ku, Ki Hoon Kim. J Acute Care Surg 2020;10(2):37-41(correspondence)

6.Pneumoperitoneum caused by the spontaneous perforation of a pyometra in an 80-year-old woman: A case report. Ki Hoon Kim. J Acute Care Surg 2020;10(2):62-64

7.Recurrent attacks of sigmoid volvulus in a 16-year-old boy: A case report. Adv Pediatr surg. So Yoon Choi, Ki Hoon Kim. 2020;26(1):28-32. )( correspondence)

8.Blunt Isolated small bowel perforation intervention: Does a delay in management matter? Emergency medicine International. Sung Yong Hong, Se Hun Kim, Ki Hoon Kim.2020;7478485)( correspondence)

9.Ampelopsin induces DR5-Mediated Apoptotic cell death in EBV-infected Cells through the p38 pathway. Nutrition and cancer. Sun-Mi Yun, Yeong Seok Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Dae Young Hur. 2020;72(3):489-494)( correspondence)

10.Pediatric Adenocarcinoma in Korea: A Multicenter Study. Cancer Res Treat. Hee-Beom Yang, Jung-Man Namgoong, Ki Hoon Kim, et al. 2020;52(1):117-127

11.Sacrococcygeal Teratoma: A Survey by the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons in 2018. Jung-tak Oh, Ki Hoon Kim et al. Adv Pediatr Surg 2019:25:35-43.

12.Ampelopsin induces DR5-Mediated Apoptotic Cell Death in EBV-Infected Cells through the p38 Pathway. Yun SM, Kim YS, Ki Hoon Kim, Hur DH. Nutr Cancer 2019.(Epub)( correspondence)

13.Isolated ureteral injury following a stab wound: A case report. Sang Hyun Park, Ki Hoon Kim. Trauma Case Rep 2019;21:100197( correspondence)

14.Review of the clinical characteristics of adrenal gland injury following blunt trauma in a single institution. Sung Yong Hong, Ki Hoon Kim. J Acute Care Surg 2019;9(1):7-11(correspondence)

15.Tension pneumothorax after attempting insertion of a central venous catheter. Ki Hoon Kim. Acute and critical care 2018:33(4):280-281

16.A chemically stable fluorescent marker of the ureter. Jaepyeong Cha, Roger R. Nani, Michael P. Luciano, Gabriel Kline, Aline Broch, Kihoon Kim, Jung-Man Namgoong, Rhushikesh A. Kulkarni, Jordan L. Meier, Peter Kim, Martin J. Schnermann. Bioorganic& Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2018;2741-2745

17.Conservative treatment of duodenal diverticulitis perforationo:a case report and literature review. Ki Hoon Kim, Sang Hyun Park. Open access emergency medicine 2018:10. 101-104

18.Real-time, label-free, intraoperative visualization of peripheral nerves and microvasculatures using multimodal optical imaging techniques. Jaepyeong Cha, Aline Broch, Scott Mudge, Kihoon Kim, Jung-man Namgoong, Eugene Oh, Peter Kim. Biomedical optics Express. 2018;9(3):1097-1110

19.Methidathion Poisoning. Ki Hoon Kim, Se Hun Kim, Charles Her. Korean J Crit Care Med. 2017;32(4):363-369

20.Conservative treatment using an endoscopic pancreatic stent in a patient with delayed diagnosis of pancreatic injury after blunt trauma: A case report. Se Hun Kim, Ki Hoon Kim. Trauma case reports. 2017.2.(correspondence)

21.Massive pneumoperitoneum without visceral perforation following cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A case report. Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Soo Kim. Rawal med J. 2017.2(correspondence)

22.Outcome of children with blunt liver or spleen injuries: Experience form a single institution in Korea. Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Soo Kim, Woon-Won Kim. Internal Journal of Sug. 2017;38:105-108(correspondence)

23.Primary end-to-oblique anastomosis after partial closure of the dilated proximal bowel in type 3a ileal atresia: a case report. Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Soo Kim, Woon-Won Kim, Mi Lim Chung, Jimi Jung, Yong Han Kim, Yun-Jung Lim. Rawal Med J. 2016;41:514-515(correspondence)

24.17 Cases of Acupuncture related pneumothorax and factors influencing pneumothorax. Jin Soo Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Woon-won Kim. Acupuncture & Electrotherapeutics research. 2016.6(correspondence)

25.Comparison of Hepatic Resection and Radiogrequency ablation for the Treatment of colorectal liver metastasis. Woon-Won Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Sam Hee Kim, Jin Soo Kim, Sung Jin Park, Kwang Hee Kim, Chang Su Choi, Young Kil Choi. Indian journal of surgery 2015(Correspondence)

26.Prognostic Factors for Extended Cecectomy in Complicated Appendicitis. Ki Hoon Kim. Biology and Medicine 2016;8(1):1-4

27. Is It Contralateral Axillary Metastasis or Occult Breast Cancer?:A Confusing Case Report. Yong Gi Son, Woon Won Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Soo Kim. Case Rep Oncol 2015;8:498?502

28.Treatment of a case of emphysematous pyelonephritis that presented with acute abdomen and penumoperitoneum: a case report. Sang Hyun Park, Ki Hoon Kim. BMC Nephrology. 2015;16(124):1-4(correspondence)

29.A Review of Acute Appendicitis. Ki Hoon Kim. J Acute Care Surg 2015;5(1):10-14

30.Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field from Convective Air Warning System on Temperature Selection and Distance. Kwang Rae Cho, Myoung-Hun Kim, Myoung Jin Ko, Jae Wook Jung, Ki Hwa Lee, Yei-Heum Park, Young Han Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Soo Kim. Iranian J Publ Health 2014;43(12):1645-1639

31.Capacity of operating room in the occurrence of tsunami on Haeundae Beach, Korea. Kwang Rae Cho, Yong Han Kim, Hyun Chul Joo, Sang Yoon Jeon, Jae Wook Jung, Ki Hwa Lee, Jin Soo Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Seung Soo Kim. Rawal Med J 2014;39:277-280

32.Ureteropelvic junction injury following a traffic accident. Kim KH, Kim YH. Case Study and Case Report 2014;4(2):36-41((correspondence))

33.Using a modified component separation technique and polypropylene mesh for large hernia with stoma: a case report. Ki Hoon Kim. SEAJCRR 2014;3(2):705-709

34.Intrapleural Extravasation of Anthracycline from central vein catheters. Kim JS, Kim KH, Kim WW, Lee JS, Lee JY, Son YG, Kim YH. Case Study and Case Report 2014;4(4):133-137.

35.Gore-Tex Soft Tissue Patch Repair for Large Traumatic Diaphragm Rupture. Ki Hoon Kim. J Acute Care Surg. 2014;4:48-51.

36.Tetanus Developing after a traumatic rectal rupture ? a case report ? Jin Soo Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Sung Jin Park, So Hyun Nam, Woon-Won Kim, Yong Han Kim. J Trauma Inj 2013;26:214-217

37.The usefulness and safety of Hem-o-lok clips for the closure of appendicular stump during laparoscopic appendectomy. Chang Sik Hue, Jin Su Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, So-hyun Nam, Kwan Woo Kim. J Korean Surg Soc 2013;84:27-32

38.Transcatheter arterial embolization for haemorrhage from the inferior epigastric artery after acupuncture: a case report. Sang Won Moon, Ki Hoon Kim. Acupunc Med 2013;31:239-241(correspondence)

39.Acute acalculous cholecystitis after laparoscopic appendectomy in a young healthy patient: report of a case. Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Su Kim, So-Hyun Nam, Kwan U Kim, Woon-won Kim, Yong Han Kim. Korean J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2013;17(2):83-85(correspondence)

40.Clinicopathologic Features of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Coexisting with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Sang Hyun Kang, Tae Kwun Ha, Ha Kyoung Park, Hong Tae Lee, Jae Ho Shin, Min Sung Ahn, Kwang Hee Kim, Ki Beom Bae, Tae Hyeon Kim, Chang Soo Choi, Jin Soo Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Woon-won Kim, Sang Hyo Kim. Korean J Endocrine Surg 2013;13:8-13

41.Diurnal variation of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field in an empty operating room. Jae Wook Jung, Yong Han Kim, Gwang Cheol Go, Jae Hong Park, Sang Yoon Jeon, Sang Eun Lee, Sira Bang, Ki Hwa Lee, Ki Hoon Kim. Anaesth, Pain&Intensive care 2013;17(1):59-62

42.Recurrent inguinal hernia manifesting as a richter’s hernia: a case report. Kim KH, Kim JS, Kim WW, Kim YH. Case Study and Case Report 2013;3(3):118-123(correspondence)

43.Long-term survival after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma. Ki Hoon Kim, Young Kil Choi. Korean J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg. 2012;16:98-104(correspondence)

44.Acalculous Cholecystitis Following Multiple Trauma with Fractures. Ki Hoon Kim, Kyu Hyouk Kyung, Jin Su Kim, Kwan U Kim, Woon-Won Kim, Ji Wan Kim. J Korean Soc Traumatol 2012;25(4):203-208(correspondence)

45.Duodenal Injury after Blunt Abdominal Trauma-Report of Two Cases. Ki Hoon Kim. J Korean Soc Traumatol 2012;25:94-96

46. Faucial pillar perforation by Glidescope intubation with incorrectly placed stylet. YH Kim, SY Jeon, JH Park, JH Choe, SH Lee, SJ Park, KH Kim, JS Kim. Hong Kong J. Emeg med 2012;19:62-64

47.Laparoscopic treatment of left paraduodenal hernia in two cases of children. So-Hyun Nam, Kwan Woo Kim, Jin Soo Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Sung Jin Park. International journal of surgery case reports 2012;3:199-202

48.Primary tuberculosis appendicitis with mesenteric mass. So-Hyun Nam, Jin Soo Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Sugn Jin Park. J Korean Surg Soc 2012;82:266-269

49.Right Diaphragmatic Rupture after Blunt Trauma.- case report. Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Su Kim, Sung Jin Park, Woon-won Kim, Do Kyun Kang, Ho Gi Min, Yong Han Kim, Cheol Gyu O. J Korean Soc Traumatol. 2012;25:87-90(correspondence)

50.Comparison of masimal infusion rate of FMS 2000 fluid warmer on various catheters and fluids. Yong Han Kim, Young Gyun Choi, Sira Bang, Sang Eun Lee, Jae Hong Park, Sang Yoon Jeon, Jung Dae Shin, Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Soo Kim. Rawal Medical Journal. 2011;36(4):262-268

51.Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Originating in the Short-term after Excision. Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Su Kim, Sung Jin Park, Woon-won Kim, Sang Hoon Oh, Su Im Choi. J Korean Surg Soc 2011;80:147-150(correspondence)

52.Serious Bleeding Complication Due to the Use of Low-molecular-weight heparin to treat a traumatic patient with Acute Renal Failure. Kyu-Hyouck Kyoung, Woon-Woon Kim, Sung Jin Park, Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Soo Kim, Jong Kwon Park. J Korean Soc Traumatol 2011;24:164-167.

53.Treatment of Ongoing Bleeding after a Damage Control Laparotomy for a Pelvic Bone Fracture: Arterial embolization ? a case report. Ki Hoon Kim, Kyu Hyouk Kyoung, Jin Su Kim, Sung Jin Park, So-Hyun Nam, Woon-Won Kim, Yong Han Kim. J Korean Soc Traumatol 2011;24:159-163(correspondence)

54.Outcome of Hepatic Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma within the Milan Criteria in Child-Pugh Class A Patients. Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Su Kim, Jeong Ik Park, Kwang Hee Kim, Chang Soo Choi, Young Choi. J Korean Surg Soc 2010;79:49-57

55.Percutaneous Removal of Spilled gallstones after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Jeong Ik Park, Chan Young Hur, Jin Soo Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Kwang Hee Kim, Oh Hwan Park, Chang Soo Choi, Young Kil Choi. J Korean Surg Soc 2010;78:66-69

56.Analysis of Prognostic Factors Affecting Survival in Patients with Gallbladder Cancer. Jeong-Ik Park, Jin Soo Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Kwan Woo Kim, Kwang-hee Kim, Chang Soo Choi, Young Kil Choi. Korean J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2010;14(3):173-183

57.Breast and Ovarian Metastasis of Signet-ring Cell Gastric cancer. Kyung Do Byun, Chang Young Hur, Ki Hoon Kim, Jeong Ik Park, Kwang Hee Kim, Tae Hyun Kim, Chang Soo Choi, Young Kil Choi. Korean J clin Oncol. 2009;5(1):31-35

58.Low-grade Fibromyxoid Sarcoma from the Splenic Flexure of Colon. Yun Jung Kim, Kwang Hee Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Jeong Ik Park, Jin Youn Shin, Chang Soo Choi, Young Kil Choi. Korean J clin Oncol 2009;5(2):69

59.Analysis of Long-Term Survivors after Resection for Hilar Bile Duct Cancer. Jin Soo Kim, Hyun Ho Joo, Gwang Hee Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Chang Soo Choi, Sang Hoon Oh, Young Kil Choi, Nak Whan Paik. J Korean Surg Soc 2007;73(6):496-501.

60.Impact of External Beam Radiotherapy after Surgical Resection for Hilar Bile Duct Carcinoma. Ki Hoon Kim, Chang Soo Choi, Young Kil Choi, Nak Hwan Paik. J Korean Surg Soc 2004;66(6):496-502